Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Going to be Different!

It's been 5 months since I last posted and I've finally decided to come out of hiding! J/K I've actually just spent these last 5 months figuring out the balancing act of being a working mom! If you want to see what we've been up to feel free to hop on over to our family blog here.

Ok now it's time to spill my guts! My last post I left you guys with was about conquering week 3 of C25K and I had made some WW friendly freezer meals. Well, pretty sure I haven't ran since then and all those freezer meals are gone! ;)

I went back to work from maternity leave part time on September 6th and then full time on September 12th. That was a major few weeks of transistion for me. I did not like leaving my baby everyday. But the weeks went on and I adjusted. I'm still not a fan of leaving her at daycare, I'd much rather be home with her, but it's just one of those facts of life that you have to deal with.

Ok I'm getting de-railed....

So once I was back to work I joined Weight Watchers at work, which was perfect. The weekly meeting was right on campus where I work. Over the next few months I lost about 10lbs of post baby weight. Then November came...
What are all those things? Excuses! That's it plain & simple.

In those 7 weeks I went to Weight Watchers 2 times. Naughty, naughty! The scale showed it too, I gained 5 lbs. Eeekkk!!

After the New Years I vowed I need to get back on track & lose this baby weight. We didn't have enough members to keep our at work meetings going so I had to drive off campus to the local meeting in town. And that is what I've been doing for the past 3 weeks! Haven't missed one yet and have no plans to!

So that brings you to where I am today! I've started working out again, either on my lunch break or after I put Adelyn to bed. As far as food goes...sit back & let me tell you about me & food!

I think a big part of it is such a head game for me. I weigh in on Thursdays. In my head I tell myself I can eat what I want on the weekends and then buckle down and make up for it M-W. I've done that the past 3 weeks and sure I've lost, but it's been minimal, -.6lbs or -.4lbs.

I have to be honest with myself. Doing that isn't going to get me back to my goal weight. It's just a vicious cycle and it isn't the point of the program. Eating like that was in no way benefiting me.

So here I am, out there for all see {read}, this week is going to be different. I'm not going to spurlge this weekend, I'm going to track what I eat, workout, and next week I will see the reward when I got to my WW meeting!


Kim said...

Good luck, you can do it!!!

Sam said...

You have lost the weight before and you can do it again. We all have our "bumps in the road", it's just getting back on track that is the most important part! I lost 25 lbs last summer and was feeling great, then the holidays started happening and I let myself slip. I gained all the weight back but I am back on track and I've lost 6 lbs and I don't plan on stopping until I am at goal. Can't wait to see you get to goal once again! You go girl!! =)

Dancing Sweet Pea said...

You can do it Darci! You have had a lot of adjustments in the last number of months! You have to remember to make time for yourself and it sounds like you're doing that now that you have a new family routine.
You are such a strong woman and you do things that you set your mind to. You will definitely be successful and I can't wait to follow your journey as it helps with mine too!

Jenna Marie said...

YaY! You're back! You can do it girl... you've got all that it takes in you! Everyone has a few bumps in the road, some small, some big (AKA holidays!) I know what you mean about wanting to splurge on the weekends...get to the weight you wanna be at and then you can give yourself a day to all out cheat!! ;) Commit to be fit! (love that saying) :-]

PS the couple pics of Adelyn made your post that much better!! :)

Heather said...

You will do awesome! I read your post and think ok that's me. I make excuses on the weekends to splurge. You are right it is such a balancing act. I'm excited to get started back. I got the workout part down, now just getting the eating part down. WE can do it girl!

Ak said...

So glad to see you back, Darci!! I'm proud of you for doing all of this as a working Mom. You've got your hands full but taking care of yourself is still a priortiy! :)

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