Monday, July 18, 2011


Hello friends & Happy Monday to you! So when I posted last week it was my great intention to post more often than weekly! But life with a newborn doesn’t always allow time for blogging! Speaking of newborn I thought I’d start today’s post with some sweetness! DSC00288

Ok now back to the purpose of my post, post baby plan update! So my first week being cautious about my eats went fairly well. I wouldn’t say I was 100% on track, but baby steps here people! Eventually I hope to get back to photographing my food. I know I make better choices when I have to take a picture before I eat.

I got in at least a 30 minute walk 4/7 days last week. I was hoping to do better, but that heat really didn’t help! We started our week out good this week though! By 8 am this morning I had my tennis shoes on, Adelyn strapped in her seat, and we were out the door for a walk! We started early to try to beat this crazy heat. I was dripping when we got back after 30 minutes. DSC00306

I stepped on the scale this weekend and……….stayed the same this week. Sad smile At first I was really bummed, but then I came back to reality. I didn’t put all these pounds overnight and I know they aren’t going to come off like that! I was just quite spoiled those first 3 weeks, losing 35 lbs! So my plan is to continue watching my eats and getting in lots of fruits & veggies. And also trying to get in some walks (weather permitting!).

Thanks for your continued support on this journey! Hope everyone has a great week!


Ak said...

You're doing great! Be careful in this heat- it's bad out there!!

Callie @ The Wannabe Athlete said...

My weight loss stalled a bit after that initial first drop. After 2-3 weeks at the same weight, the scale has started moving again. It will for you too!

Baby Weight and Beyond said...

You are doing awesome! Just stick with it!

WWSuzi said...

Awww she's so cute!
Keep doing what your doing and the lbs will come off

blackhuff said...

Great going on the 4/7 30 minutes walking. At least you are doing something and you are so right in saying that you did not gain this weight in a week. So it will take time to fall off as well.

Heather said...

Don't get discouraged girl. U rock! Just keep at it. I am very proud of you. Just remember too, not only are you making yourself healthy, but the fresh air is good for that precious baby. You are doing great. Be proud of yourself!

Cupcake Dreamer said...

You are doing awesome Darcy. Don't be hard on yourself. It isn't an easy journey. It takes time and effort. Make sure you give yourself enough time to recover and enjoy your new bundle of joy as well. A funny thing happens when you are a mother for the first time.. you have to start and prioritize because there are certain things in your life that aren't as important as they once were. :) Good luck on your journey!

Kelly the Happy Texan said...

She is so cute I want to hug her. Need a babysitter? Yeah, it's far away. I know.

Just keep doing what you're doing. Direction, not perfection.

Amanda said...

you're doing amazing! very inspirational :)

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