Friday, March 4, 2011

24 weeks

24 weeks - 3.2.11

How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby Bangert is the size of a papaya!

Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity jeans and pants but everything else is regular.  Things are getting tighter though!

Gender: It’s a girl!!!

Movement: She’s a busy bee in the evenings and I've been starting to feel her more & more throughout the day! Kyle is anxiously awaiting his turn to be able to feel her!

Sleep: Not too bad, I get up a few times throughout the night to go to the bathroom. I guess it’s preparing me for a newborn!

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach and a bigger selection of clothes!

Cravings: I don't have specific cravings. I just like to eat! ;) I don’t think ice cream counts, I love that anytime!

Symptoms: Really can’t complain! Feeling pretty well!

Best Moment this week: Spending the weekend with good friends. DSC01788

AND picking up the glider for the nursery!!! So cozy!DSC09817

So I’m behind (what’s new!), Thursday started week 25, but I wanted to put this up anyways! Hard to believe I have 15 weeks left. I’m so excited/anxious to meet my little girl. Kyle and I are currently in Chicago visiting his sister & brother-in-law. Can’t wait to share all the fun things we’ve done and we’ve gotten!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I’ll “see” you again for my 25th week post!


Lori Lynn said...

I'm glad that everything is going well for you. Do you have names picked out?

Ak said...

I love the color in the nursery! I hope you had fun in Chicago!

Jenna Marie said...

You are getting cuter and cuter everyday! ;)
Love the glider in the nursery, looks so comfy!! That will probably be Abby's new favorite spot in no time:)
I'm happy to see I made the week's highlights! :-] Miss ya guys already <3

fittingbackin said...

I'm glad you're feeling well and the new glider looks great!

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