I hope you guys aren’t getting sick of all these Florida updates! I didn’t want to leave anything out though! :)
This was our final morning at my Grandpa’s house. You know I forgot to mention my Grandpa’s house is less than a mile from the ocean and it’s one road with a draw bridge over the inter-costal waterway!
Since it was our last morning we wanted to get to beach extra early to watch the sunrise!
Luckily a friendly fisherman was there to take our picture!
The air was still quite chilly, but that made the water feel super warm !
It’s fun to draw in the sand! I might have to frame this for some more decor in my office! :)
Kyle thinks he’s Super Man! ;)
Perfect way to start our last day in Florida!
After our serene morning at the beach we went back to my Grandpa’s, packed up and went to breakfast. My Grandpa loves Cracker Barrel. He says it the “old people’s place”! I like to look at all the different things they have in the shop…check out this giant Hershey’s coin bank!
After breakfast Wendi, Kyle, and I headed back to her place near Tampa, about a 2 1/2 hour drive. Kyle enjoyed a movie on the way…he looks deep in thought! ;)
And Wendi safely drove us the whole way through what she calls the “butt crack of Florida”…the middle of Florida & it’s not pretty. lol
Check out this GIANT signs that greets you when you get off the turnpike!!
Wendi had to work so Kyle & I enjoyed a little date night! We had pizza at Pizzeria Valdiano!
Hawaiian, of course! (it’s our favorite!)
We didn’t eat too much pizza though because we knew what we wanted right down the sidewalk…Cold Stone!! Kyle made the comment that we had ice cream everyday while we were in Florida!! Just the way I like my vacations! ;)
Mmmm…PB cup perfection!!! Feel free to drool!
We sat outside and enjoyed the Florida scenery!
After our date we picked Wendi up from work and hung out at her apartment for the rest of the evening. We were sad that our vacation went by so quick, but it is always good to go home too!
I should be back to my regular posts tonight! I have a long day today. 8+ hours of work and 3 hours of teaching tonight!
Later friends! <3
I have loved your florida posts, it was so nice to get away on vacation with you ;-)!
Safe travels my friend
I enjoyed our vacation! :)
I've never been a Cold Stone person, but that PB perfection has me re-thinking my habits. :)
So glad you had such a great time in Florida. You should definitely move there. We go pretty often. It's only about 4 hours from where I live. You know I love the beach! =)
Way to go on the 7/8 dress. That's my goal size. U rockin it girl!
The pictures of the beach are beautiful! One of my fave pics is my BF writing my name in the sand...so cute! :)
Sounds like you had such a nice visit Darci. Florida is a wonderful place, especially with all the beaches and ice cream! :)
Safe travels home, thanks for keeping us entertained with your vacation and guest posters. It was all a BLAST!!!
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